Tag Archives: Lamb

Green Lanes on a Plate

I’ve recently been spending a lot of time walking along Green Lanes. Originally built by the Romans, it winds it’s way through North London. If you like food, you’ll love Green Lanes. It’s packed full of restaurants and food stores from all four corners. Greek, Caribbean, Italian, Cypriot, Turkish, West African – Its all there, ripe for the eating!

The following is a dish inspired by Green Lanes.

Spicy Lamb
Cube the lamb
Marinade with lemon, cumin, olive oil, coriander and garlic
Briefly fry on a high heat, don’t overcook!

A classic from Sicily.
Slice peppers, garlic and onion
Fry together, add chopped tomato (the tomatoes are awesome right now, so use fresh!) and oregano. For a Roman flavour I added fish sauce. Don’t overcook, keep it al dente.

“Little Village Bread”
Ok, I didn’t make this myself, but came across it in a Greek bakery. It has no yeast and has a slightly sour taste.

Ulka Cikolata
Again, guilty as charged, I didn’t make it, but wow it’s good. Made with cocoa butter, it’s smooth with a little crunch from the nuts.

There you go, Green Lanes on a plate.


